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Saturday 15 March 2014

Stop Application that you don't want to run on System Startup in Windows

Steps :

1. Go to Run or press (Windows + r)
2.then type msconfig
3.go on startup tzb

4.and deselect all apps that u dont wanna run at start up..

Thank you

Assertion In Java

Assertion includes a Boolean expression. If the Boolean expression evaluates to false AssertionError is thrown. Assertion helps a programmer to debug the code effectively.

Assertion code is removed when the program is deployed. Below is a code snippet which checks if inventory object is null.

Inventory objInv = null;
// ...
// Get your inventory object reference here
// ...
// Use assert to check if the object is null
// by any chance
assert objInv != null;

Difference between Abstract class and Interface

Difference between Abstract class and Interface is as follows:-

√ Abstract class can only be inherited while interfaces can not be it has to be implemented.

√ Interface cannot implement any methods, whereas an abstract class can have implementation.

√ Class can implement many interfaces but can have only one super class.

√ Interface is not part of the class hierarchy while Abstract class comes in through inheritance.

√ Unrelated classes can implement the same interface.