Program: T.Y.B.Sc.Information Technology(with effect from the academic year 2012– 2013)
CLASS: B. Sc (Information technology) Semester–V
SUBJECT: Network SecurityPeriods per week1 Period is 50 minutesLecture 5TW/Tutorial/Practical 3Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory Examination 2 60 TW/Tutorial/Practical – 40
Cryptography: Introduction: Some Simple Cryptosystems, The Shift Cipher, TheSubstitution Cipher, The Affine Cipher, The Vigenere Cipher, The Hill Cipher,The Permutation Cipher, Stream Ciphers, Cryptanalysis, Cryptanalysis of theAffine Cipher, Cryptanalysis of the Substitution Cipher, Cryptanalysis of theVigenere Cipher, Cryptanalysis of the LFSR-based Stream Cipher.
Shannon’s Theory
, Perfect Secrecy, Entropy, Huffman Encodings and Entropy,Properties of Entropy, Spurious Keys and Unicity DistanceThe Data Encryption Standard, Description of DES, An Example of DESEncryption, The DES Controversy, DES in Practice, DES Modes of Operation, ATime-memory Trade-off, Differential Cryptanalysis, An Attack on a 3-round DES,An Attack on a 6-round DES.Introduction to Public-key Cryptography, More Number Theory, The EuclideanAlgorithm, The Chinese Remainder Theorem, Other Useful Facts, The RSACryptosystem, Implementing RSA, Probabilistic Primality Testing, Attacks OnRSA, The Decryption Exponent, Partial Information Concerning Plaintext Bits,The Rabin Cryptosystem, Factoring Algorithms, The p -
1 Method, Dixon’s
Algorithm and the Quadratic Sieve, Factoring Algorithms in Practice
Signature Schemes
: Introduction, The ElGamal Signature Scheme, The DigitalSignature Standard, One-time Signatures, Undeniable Signatures, Fail-stopSignatures
Hash Functions
Signatures and Hash Functions, Collision-free Hash FunctionsThe Birthday Attack, A Discrete Log Hash Function, Extending Hash Functions,Hash Functions from Cryptosystems, The MD4 Hash Function, Timestamping.
Key Distribution and Key Agreement
Introduction, Key Predistribution ,
Blom’s Scheme
, Diffie-Hellman KeyPredistribution, Kerberos, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, The Station-to-stationProtocol, MTI Key Agreement Protocols, Key Agreement Using Self-certifyingKeys.Unit-III Security Trends, The OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, SecurityServices, Security Mechanisms,A Model for Network Security
Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service, Public-KeyInfrastructure, Recommended Reading and Web Sites, Key Terms, ReviewQuestions, and Problems, A Kerberos Encryption Techniques, Electronic MailSecurity, Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME, Key Terms, Review Questions, andProblems, A Data Compression Using Zip, Radix-64 Conversion, PGP RandomNumber Generation
IP Security:
IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, AuthenticationHeader, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations, KeyManagement, Recommended Reading and Web Site, Key Terms,
Web Security:
Web Security Considerations, Secure Socket Layer and TransportLayer, Security, Secure Electronic Transaction.
Intrusion Detection, Password Management, Recommended Readingand Web Sites.
Malicious Software:
Viruses and Related Threats, Virus Countermeasures,Distributed Denial of Service Attacks.
Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems, Common Criteria forInformation Technology Security Evaluation.
Books:Cryptography: Theory and Practice,
Douglas Stinson,
CRC Press, CRC Press LLC (Unit Iand II)Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, WilliamStallings, PHI(Pearson), (Unit: III-VI)
:Information Security and cyber laws, Saurabh Sharma, student series, Vikas publication.Encryption, Ankit Fadia and J. Bhattacharjee, Vikas publication
Term Work:Assignments:
Should contain at least 6 assignments (one per unit) covering theSyllabus.
Practical List
1 Substitution Techniquesa
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text to Caesar cipherand to decrypt it back to plain text.
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text to ModifiedCaesar cipher and to decrypt it back to plain text.
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text to homophoniccipher and to decrypt it back to plain text.
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text tomonoalphabetic cipher and to decrypt it back to plain text.
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text to homophoniccipher and to decrypt it back to plain text.
Write a program to perform substitution ciphers to encrypt the plain text topolyalphabetic cipher and to decrypt it back to plain text.
2 Transposition Ciphersa
Write a program to perform transposition ciphers to encrypt the plain text to cipher andto decrypt it back to plain text using rail fence technique.
Write a program to perform transposition ciphers to encrypt the plain text to cipher andto decrypt it back to plain text using Simple Columnar technique.
Write a program to perform transposition ciphers to encrypt the plain text to cipher andto decrypt it back to plain text using Columnar with multiple rounds.
Write a program to encrypt a plain text to a cipher text and decrypt it back to plain textusing vernam cipher as the transposition technique
Write a program to generate Symmetric Keys for the following Cipher algorithms DES,AES, Blowfish, TripleDES, HmacMD5 and HmacSHA1.
Write a program to generate assymmetric Keys for the following Cipher algorithms a)DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm), b) DH (DiffieHellman), c) RSA.
Write a program to encrypt input string by using SecretKey of the following algorithms,and then decrypt the encrypted string and compare the decrypted string with the inputstring. Use the following algorithms for encryption and decryption:a.
Triple DES
Write a program to encrypt input string by using SecretKey of the following algorithms,and then decrypt the encrypted string and compare the decrypted string with the inputstring. Use the following algorithms for encryption and decryption:a.
Implement following HashFunctions: RSHash, JSHash, BKDRHash, SDBMHash,DJBHash
Write a program to encrypt the given string by using RC4 , MD5, algorithms.
Write a program for creating, exporting and validating Digital Certificate.
Create a permission that controls access to pages of a book. The permission nameconsists of a book id, a colon, and a set of allowable pages.
Periods per week1 Period is 50 minutesLecture 5TW/Tutorial/Practical 3Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory Examination 2 60TW/Tutorial/Practical -- 40
Review of .NET frameworks, Introduction to C#, Variables and expressions,flow controls, functions, debugging and error handling, OOPs with C#,Defining classes and class members. Assembly, Components of Assembly,Private and Shared Assembly, Garbage Collector, JIT compiler. Namespaces
Collections, Comparisons and Conversions, Delegates and Events, Windowsprogramming: Controls(Button, Label , Link Label, Radio Button, CheckBox,Text Box, Rich TextBox, List Box, Checked List Box, List View, Tabbed ),Forms (Menus and ToolBars, SDI and MDI applications, Building MDIapplications.
Introduction to ASP.NET 4:
Microsoft.NET framework, ASP.NET lifecycle.Themes in ASP.NET
: Need of CSS, Introduction to CSS, Working with CSS with visualdeveloper
ASP.NET server controls:
Types of control, ASP.NET state managementengine. Web.config and global.asax files.Unit-IV
Programming ASP.NET web pages:
Introduction, data types and variables,statements, organizing code, object oriented basics. Master Pages, Caching.
: Using navigation controls, programmatic redirection
User Controls:
Introduction to user controls
Validating User Controls
Introduction, Using SQL to work with database, retrieving andmanipulating data with SQL, working with ADO.NET, ADO.NET architecture,ASP.NET data control, data source control, deploying the web site. Crystalreports.
Operators, implementations, LINQ to objects,XML,ADO.NET, QuerySyntax
ASP.NET Security:
Authentication, Authorization, Impersonation, ASP.NETprovider modelUnit-VI
Introducing AJAX, Using ASP.NET AJAX, Web Services andPage methods in AJAX websites,
Introduction to JQuery, JQuery syntax, modifying DOM with JQuery,effects with JQuery, JQuery and extensibility,
Beginning Visual C# 2010, K. Watson, C. Nagel, J.H Padderson, J.D. Reid, M.Skinner,Wrox (Wiley) 2010. (Unit I and II).Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB, I. Spanjaars, Reprint 2011 (Unit III to VI).ASP.NET 4.0 programming, J. Kanjilal, Tata McGraw-Hill (Unit III to VI).References:Programming ASP.NET, D.Esposito, Microsoft Press (Dreamtech), Reprint 2011.ASP.NET Visual C#.NET, Vijay Nicoel, TMHAdvanced .NET Technology, Patel, Dreamtech.
Term Work:Assignments:
Should contain at least 6 assignments (one per unit) covering theSyllabus.Practical:1.
Simple Programs with C#:a)
Write a console application that obtains four int values from the user and displaysthe product. Hint: you may recall that the Convert.ToDouble() command was usedto convert the input from the console to a double; the equivalent command toconvert from a string to an int is Convert.ToInt32().
If you have two integers stored in variables var1 and var2, what Boolean test canyou perform to see if one or the other (but not both) is greater than 10?c)
Write an application that includes the logic from Exercise 1, obtains two numbersfrom the user, and displays them, but rejects any input where both numbers are greater than 10 and asks for two new numbers.d)
Write a console application that places double quotation marks around each word ina stringe)
Write an application that uses two command-line arguments to place values into astring and an integer variable, respectively. Then display these values.f)
Write an application that receives the following information from a set of students:Student Id:Student Name:Course Name:Date of Birth:The application should also display the information of all the students once thedata is entered. Implement this using an Array of Structs.g)
Write programs using conditional statements and loops:i.
Generate Fibonacci series.ii.
Generate various patterns (triangles, diamond and other patterns) withnumbers.iii.
Test for prime numbers.iv.
Generate prime numbers.v.
Reverse a number and find sum of digits of a
Test for vowels.vii.
Use of foreach loop with arrays.2.
Object oriented programs with C#a.
Program using classes.b.
Program with different features of C#Function OverloadingOperator OverloadingInheritance (all types)Constructor overloadingInterfacesUsing Delegates and eventsException handling3.
Programs using different controls.4.
Programs using CSS.5.
Programs using ASP.NET Server controls.6.
Database programs with ASP.NET and ADO.NET7.
Programs using Language Integrated query.8.
Programs securing web pages.9.
Programs using AJAX.10.
Programs using JQuery.
SUBJECT: Software Testing
Periods per week1 Period is 50 minutesLecture 5TW/Tutorial/Practical 3Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory Examination 2 60TW/Tutorial/Practical -- 40
Introduction to quality, software quality, fundamentals of software testing, VVmodel of testing
Functional Testing: Boundary value Testing, Equivalence class testing, DecisionTable based testing, Retrospection.
Structural Testing: Path Testing, Data Flow Testing, Retrospection
Levels of Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Interaction Testing
Object Oriented Testing: Issues, Class Testing, Object Oriented IntegrationTesting, Object Oriented System Testing
Testing Process: Planning, Metrics and Reports, Quantitative and QualitativeAnalysis, Improvements.
Software Testing Principles, Techniques and Tools, M.G. Limaye, TMH, (Unit- I and VI)
Software Testing A Craftman’s Approach, Second Edition, Paul C. Jorgensen, CRC
Press.(Unit-II to V)
Software testing by Yogesh Singh. Cambridge University Press, 2012Introduction to Software Testing, Paul Ammann, Jeff Offutt, Cambridge University Press.Managing the Testing Process: Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware andSoftware Testing, Rex Black, Wiley.Software Testing, Second Edition,Ron Patton,SAMSSoftware Testing, Perry, Wiley India.Software testing by Sandeep Desai, Abhishek Srivastava. (PHI) EEE edition.
Term Work:Assignments:
Should contain at least 6 assignments (one per unit) covering theSyllabus.
Prepare a small project and submit SRS, design, coding and test plan.2.
Study of any one of the testing tools. ( e.g winrunner, testdirect,etc)3.
MANUAL TESTING for the projecta.
Whitebox Testingc.
Blackbox Testingd.
Unit Testinge.
Integration Testing4.
Functional Testinga.
Boundary value Testingb.
Equivalence class testingc.
Decision Table based testingd.
Cause-effect graphs5.
Structural Testinga.
Path testingb.
Data-flow testing6.
Regression Testing (use VTEST tool) using automated testing for website.7.
AUTOMATED TESTING for websitesa.
Load Testing(use WAPT)b.
Performance Testing(use WAPT)8.
Implement the process Object oriented testing9.
For automated testing, design the test plan and test cases for integration testing on thegiven case.10.
For automated testing, design the test plan for unit testing.
SUBJECT: Advanced Java
Periods per week1 Period is 50 minutes Lecture 5 TW/Tutorial/Practical 3 Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory Examination 2 60TW/Tutorial/Practical -- 40
Event Handling,
Lists , Tables, Trees, Text Components,Progress Indicators, Component OrganizersUnit-II
Introduction to servlets:
Need for dynamic content, java servlet technology, whyservlets?
Servlet API and Lifecycle:
servlet API, servletConfig interface, ServletRequestand ServletResponse Interfaces, GenericServlet Class.ServletInputStream And ServletOutputStream Classes,RequestDispatcherInterface,HttpServlet Class, HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponseInterfaces, HttpSession Interface, Servlet Lifecycle.
Working with servlets:
organization of a web application, creating a webapplication(using netbeans) , creating a servlet, compiling and building the webapplicationUnit-III
Design of JDBC, JDBC configuration, Executing SQL statement, QueryExecution, Scrollable and updatable result sets, row sets, metadata, Transaction.
Introduction, disadvantages, JSP v/s Servlets, Lifecycle of JSP, Comments,JSP documents, JSP elements, Action elements, implicit objects, scope,characterquoting conventions, unified expression language.
Java server Faces :
Need of MVC , what is JSF?, components of JSF, JSF as an application, JSFlifecycle, JSF configuration, JSF web applications (login form, JSF pages)
Enterprise bean architecture, Benefits of enterprise bean, types of beans,Accessing beans , packaging beans, creating web applications, creating enterprisebean, creating web client, creating JSP file, building and running web application.Unit-V
Introduction, Writing the application, application developmentapproach, creating database and tables in MySQL, creating a web application,Adding the required library files, creating a java bean class, creating hibernateconfiguration and mapping file, adding a mapping resource, creating JSPs.
Introduction, Struts framework core components, installing and settingup struts, getting started with struts.Unit-VI
WEB Services:
SOAP, Building a web services using JAX-WS, Building webservice.
Mail Protocols, Components of the Javamail API, JAVAMAILAPI, Starting with API.
NAMING Service, Directory service, JNDI, Resources and JNDI,
Books:Java EE 6 for Beginners, Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah, SPD (Unit II to VI)Core Java Vol. II
Advanced Features, Cay S. Horstmans, Gary Coronell, Eight Edition,Pearson (Unit I and III)Java Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, Seventh Edition,TMH. (Unit I)References:Java EE Project using EJB 3, JPA and struts 2 for beginners, Shah, SPDJava Programming A practical Approach, C Xavier, McGraw HillJava Server Faces A practical Approach for beginners, B M Harwani, Eastern EconomyEdition (PHI).Advanced Java Technology, Savaliya, Dreamtech.
Term Work:Assignments:
Should contain at least 6 assignments (one per unit) covering theSyllabus.Practicals:1.
Write a java program to present a set of choices for a user to select Stationaryproducts and display the price of Product after Selection from the list.2.
Write a java program to demonstrate typical Editable Table, describing employeedetails for a software company.3.
Write a java program using Split pane to demonstrate a screen divided in two parts,one part contains the names of Planets and another Displays the image of planet.When user selects the planet name form Left screen, appropriate image of planetdisplayed in right screen.4.
Develop Simple Servlet Question Answer Application to demonstrate use of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse interfaces.5.
Develop Servlet Application of Basic Calculator (+,-,*, /, %) usingServletInputStream and ServletOutputStream.6.
Develop a JSP Application to accept Registration Details form user and Store it intothe database table.7.
Develop a JSP Application to Authenticate User Login as per the registration details.If login success the forward user to Index Page otherwise show login failure Message.8.
Develop a web application to add items in the inventory using JSF.9.
Develop a Room Reservation System Application Using Enterprise Java Beans.10.
Develop a Hibernate application to store Feedback of Website Visitor in MySQLDatabase.11.
a .Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate 3 page Website of TeachingClasses which passes values from every page to another.b.Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate E-mail Validator.12.
Develop a simple “Hello World” Web Service
with SOAP in Java.b. Develop a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-WS.c. Develop an application to show searching the Directory using JNDI capabilities.
Semester– V
SUBJECT: Linux Administration
Periods per week1 Period is 50 minutesLecture 5TW/Tutorial/Practical 3Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory Examination 2 60TW/Tutorial/Practical -- 40
Introduction to UNIX, Linux, GNU
and Linux distributions
Duties of the System Administrator,
The Linux System Administrator,Installing and Configuring Servers, Installing and Configuring ApplicationSoftware, Creating and Maintaining User Accounts, Backing Up and RestoringFiles, Monitoring and Tuning Performance, Configuring a Secure System, UsingTools to Monitor Security
Booting and shutting down:
Boot loaders-GRUB, LILO, Bootstrapping, Initprocess, rc scripts, Enabling and disabling services,
The File System:
Understanding the File System Structure, Working with Linux-Supported File Systems, Memory and Virtual File Systems, Linux Disk ManagementNetwork Configuration Files:Unit-II
System Configuration Files:
System wide Shell Configuration Scripts, SystemEnvironmental Settings, Network Configuration Files, Managing the init Scripts,Configuration Tool, Editing Your Network Configuration
TCP/IP Networking:
Understanding Network Classes, Setting Up a Network Interface Card (NIC), Understanding Subnetting, Working with Gateways andRouters, Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Configuring theNetwork Using the Network,
The Network File System:
NFS Overview, Planning an NFS Installation,Configuring an NFS Server, Configuring an NFS Client, Using AutomountServices, Examining NFS Security
Connecting to Microsoft Networks:
Installing Samba, Configuring the SambaServer, Creating Samba Users 3, Starting the Samba Server, Connecting to aSamba Client, Connecting from a Windows PC to the Samba Server
Additional Network Services:
Configuring a Time Server, Providing a CachingProxy Server, Optimizing Network Services
Internet Services:
Secure Services, SSH, scp, sftp Less Secure Services (Telnet,FTP, sync,rsh ,rlogin,finger,talk and ntalk, Linux Machine as a Server,Configuring the xinetd Server, Comparing xinetd and Standalone, ConfiguringLinux Firewall Packages,
Domain Name System:
Understanding DNS, Understanding Types of DomainServers, Examining Server Configuration Files, Configuring a Caching DNSServer, Configuring a Secondary Master DNS Server, Configuring a PrimaryMaster Server, Checking Configuration
Configuring Mail Services:
Tracing the Email Delivery Process, Mail UserAgent (MUA), Introducing SMTP, Configuring Sendmail, Using the Postfix MailServer, Serving Email with POP3 and IMAP, Maintaining Email Security
Configuring FTP Services:
Introducing vsftpd, Configuring vsftpd, AdvancedFTP Server Configuration, Using SFTPUnit-V
Configuring a Web Server:
Introducing Apache, Configuring Apache,Implementing SSI, Enabling CGI, Enabling PHP, Creating a Secure Server withSSL
Providing Web Services:
Creating Mailing Lists, Setting Up Web-Based Email,Configuring an RSS Feed, Adding Search Functionality,
Optimizing Internet Services:
Optimizing LDAP Services, Optimizing DNSServices, Optimizing Mail Services, Optimizing FTP Services, Optimizing WebServices
System Administration:
updating system, upgrading and customizing kernel,Administering Users and Groups Installing and Upgrading Software Packages
Beginning Linux by Neil Mathew 4
Red hat Linux Networking and System Administration by Terry Collings
UNIX: Concepts and techniques, S. Das, Tata McGraw-Hill,2.
Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition, Wale Soyinka,Tata McGraw-Hill3.
Linux: Complete Reference, 6th Edition, Richard Petersen, Tata McGraw-Hill
Term Work:Assignments:
Should contain at least 6 assignments (one per unit) covering theSyllabus.
Installation of Red HAT/Fedora Linux operating system.a.
Partitioning drivesb.
Configuring boot loader (GRUB/LILO)c.
Network configurationd.
Setting time zonese.
Creating password and user accountsf.
Shutting down2.
Software selection and installation3.
Programming Shell scripts for Linux administration
Linux system administrationa.
Becoming super userb.
Temporarily changing user identity with su commandc.
Using graphical administrative toolsd.
Administrative commandse.
Administrative configuration files5.
Connecting to the internet and configuring sambaa.
Setting up dial-up PPPb.
Creating a dial- up connection with the internet configuration wizardc.
Launching PPP connectiond.
Setting up linux as a proxy servere.
Configuring mozilla or firefox to use as a proxy6.
Setting up local area network a.
LAN topologiesb.
LAN equipmentc.
Networking with TCP/IPd.
Configuring TCP/IPe.
Adding windows computer’s to user LAN
IP address classes7.
Server setup and configurationa.
Setting up NFS file serverb.
Setting up Samba file serverc.
The Apache web serverd.
Setting up FTP servere.
Setting up proxy server8.
Understanding COMPUTER SECURITY: Firewall and security configurationsa.
LINUX security checklistb.
Securing linux with IP table firewallsc.
Configuring an IP table firewalld.
Securing Linux features9.
Programming using C.10.
Implementing Socket programs.11.
Setting up hardware devices including sound card and printers and others(USB devicesetc).12.
Working with X-windowsa. Switching between text and graphical consolesb. set up my video card, monitor and mouse for the X-server.c. Install KDE, change default desktop to KDE (or Gnome)
d. Accessing X-window remotely.e. Installing TrueType fonts from my MS Windows partition.f. Display and Control a Remote Desktop using VNC.